Tuesday, 25 September 2018


Morning Glory still performing, although a neighbour told me there was a slight frost last night, so these are probably the last Ipomia (morning Glory this year) .


Mike said...

Just trying, as the machine has been very reluctant to accept comments of late. Still - it seems to be working now.

Crowbard said...

They're spiteful brutes, computers, they wiped out the noble race of comptometers and now I think they are trying to destroy their lords and creators without a thought for where their inputs and power-supplies are going to come from.... sad sighs...
But I do so enjoy the vast range of music they bring into my life, and the global communications in which they enable me to participate...
I'm glad to be a Gemini, I can love them and hate them with great intensity and find no conflict in so doing.

Pat said...

A lot of the flowers I used to have have disappeared. Thank goodness for plumbago, Michaelmas daisies, hibiscus and Japanese anenomes.

Mike. said...

Hello Pat. I have ALL the above save plumbago. Is that a blue flower? Got an eighteen year old granddaughter (Ruth's youngest) staying and she is trying to make my computer pull its weight, which I am usually quite unable to do. Here goes.

Rough said...

Glad to hear she is being useful xxx