Tuesday 6 February 2018

A regular visitor, a friend of Ann's. Last year - spring, summer; this  character raised FOUR  broods . (I'm not at all sure that they were all by the same lady blackbird,  although  Ann tells me that she  is sure he is a high principled bird)
. She feeds him every morning, and he still comes to  be fed every morning  .
The above is  a  photo of 'the blue moon' which I took  the  other evening - Don't we live in a wonderrful world these days ?


Lori Skoog said...

Good Morning Mike and Ann! Hope all is well over there. We continue to get bombarded with snow. Gary came home with a 50 pound bag of birdseed yesterday, as he enjoys feeding the birds during this frigid time of year. I wonder where they go when they are not eating....

Z said...

Lovely to hear the birdsong again, it feels as if spring is coming.

Our blog party this year is on 21st July, do hope you and Ann can come. Much love, Zoe and Tim.

Mike said...

Hello Z. Good to hear from you. I'm afraid I'm beginning to think there are good reasons for our not being able to get to the blog meet this year. The loss will be entirely ours. My regards to your good bloke.
Very warm regards, Mike and Ann.
P.s. Sorry for repetition, it's just that the reply seems to fit rather well.

Mike said...

Hello Lori. We've had one quite severe snowfall this winter (about four inches), which lasted about a week, otherwise not too bad a winter ( but the worst one we've had in some years) Hope you're both keeping well. My computer is playing up badly most of the time, hence my lack of computer entries. Warm regards to you both and (a belated) Happy New Year to you.
Warm Regards, Mike and Ann.