Tuesday, 3 May 2016


Today we took Hilary out to lunch at the Ramshold Arms, just North of Woodbridge, on the North bank of the River Deben. We'd booked a table, but, as we were well ahead of schedule we motored down to Bawdsey, and parked on the car park next to the Deben Ferry across to Old Felixstowe. The above photo is of a little fishing smack passing one of the two Martello Towers at Old Felixstowe. These were built just over two hundred years ago, in case Boney was  so ill advised  as to try and invade us. The idea was that heavy artillery would be mounted on these towers to actively discourage any approaching Frenchmen. It seems to have worked.

The above picture shows half the crew gutting a flatfish which had been  the wrong plaice at the wrong time - the other half of the crew, presumably the captain, was in the deck house navigating and driving (I know that's the wrong term, but my use of maritime expressions is a bit shaky).

The first mate was on the aft deck (that sounds better) getting rid of the bits of fish that the fish could not reasonably hope to use again, and throwing them to the pursuing seagulls, who were eager to prove that they could use these bits of fish to some advantage. As you can see it was a lovely sight, except perhaps if you were a fish.

It was a good way to spend half an hour on a fresh, but sunny, spring morning. We then motored back to the Ramsholt Arms and eventually had lunch - mainly fish - knew just how those gulls felt.
Had lunch at a reserved table in the window of the dining room overlooking the river Deben and watched the tide turning and running out as we ate. Had a lovely day out, but had to get home in time for me to complete preparations for tomorrow's antique fair at Long Melford, which means a very early start...... So, Goodnight Everyone.


Crowbard said...

If the captain was navigating he doesn't need to drive.
Our word 'navigate' comes from the Latin navigatus, past participle of navigare, from navis ship + -igare (from agere to drive)
So you had it right all along.

Nea said...

Now I want to go fishing!

Crowbard said...

Sorry I was asleep when you phoned t'other day. Rang back twice but you were not responsive.
e-mail or ring again if I can assist in any way. Call in at the nearest secondary school or college and ask to speak to their IT technician whilst making noises about a small donation to their general school fund.

Unknown said...

Hello Crowbard. Hope I didn't wake you. Tried Nea as a second line of defence, and she solved the problem in five minutes flat, so we then had a good chat and generally caught up on family news. I'll give you a ring soon at a more convenient time, and we'll do the same.
Love to you both, regards Mike and Ann.

Pat said...

Thanks for the memory. It seems a lifetime since we sailed round there and had that dodgy ice cream at Felixstowe. It WAS a life time.

Unknown said...

Hello Pat. Memory's a strange thing, isn't it? My early seaside memories are of Southwold, where an elderly great aunt of mine kept what she called "a small, but select hotel" there. At this point my grandmother (her younger sister) would sniff, and say "It's a seaside boarding house". Be that as it may, the house (and my g. Aunt and uncle) always felt very welcoming, and my mother and I (father was away fighting a war) always enjoyed staying at Southwold, walking along the beach (seem to remember having to be very careful of the barbed wire defences, and occasionally taking the threpenny ferry to Walberswich.
Great Uncle Maurice taught me how to make a mouse from my pocket handkerchief, which could be made to run up my arm and jump from my shoulder. My children, grandchildren, nephews and nieces, have all enjoyed that trick, and I'd better start refreshing it again, for the benefit of the two (and however many more come along) great grandchildren. I always give the credit for this magic to Great Uncle Maurice of Southwold. It's a magic place, Southwold.