Thursday, 7 August 2014


Been a good, busy week (so far). Long Melford on Wednesday. Spent Monday and Tuesday getting ready for it. This morning we went into the town, did various jobs, then on to David and Sue's for coffee (by arrangement). Then a wander round their lovely garden (David refers to it as 'the Estate', and although he's joking, it's not far out - it's a very large garden, in several different departments). The main garden is like a small meadow, with an orchard of fruit trees in the grass, and surrounded by flower beds. Lovely!  David gave us some fresh cut beans to bring home (which - being us, we forgot; but, David being David, he called round later and delivered them - they are good friends).  Later on both of us felt a bit lackadaisical (after Long Melford yesterday) so decided to go and have lunch at Hollowtrees, which was as good as ever.

Then pottered back home through the lanes around Linsey and Kersey. All the photos are of Linsey and were taken near the Church, or of the Church.

This picture and the third picture is of the Church porch, and I found meself wondering how many people (tramps, travellers, and homeless folk) have stood in the same position, looking along the porch towards the church door, and thought what a good place it would be to sleep of a summer night, the two stone benches would make convenient, if hard, beds, and are nicely raised off the ground. The porch faces South and sunrise on a summer morning would be a cheering sight to wake up to, I should think.

Must stop day dreaming, and get on and do some work. Got a couple of recently acquired snuff  boxes to clean.


Liz said...

Lovely pictures and what marvellous old timbers in that porch entrance.

Crowbard said...

Hi Mike,
Is that perhaps a gothic font with a Jacobean cover? The stonework looks early but post-Norman and the cover looks a little odd with it; its indented border makes me think of wainscotting!

Unknown said...

Hello Liz. Yes, the oak timbers of the porch have aged to a silvery colour - just like, come to think of it - me.

Unknown said...

Hello Crowbard. Yes, I think you're about right. The stone font is, I should think, of fourteenth origin; and the font cover appears to have been made by a good and imaginative turner at some time in the mid/late seventeenth century. A surprisingly eye catching (and not unpleasant) match.

Unknown said...

P.s. Should have been, of course, 'of fourteenth century origin'.