Ref previous blog entry - job done. It's taken me almost exactly eight hours to do. The dial itself is, of course English, but was made in late Victorian days. Well made; so that accurate time can be read. My problem now is that if I charge for my eight hours at whatever the minimum wage rate is, the price will be rather more than the sundial is worth! The owner is a knowledgeable collector of antiques. Advice please. Shan't be able to deliver the dial until early July.
It looks a fabulous piece of work Mike!
Worth £50 of anybody's money but maybe a barter would be more appropriate - get the sundial owner to spend 8 hours repointing your chimney.
That's a great idea Rog. However I don't know how good she is at heights or repointing.
I Timothy Ch.5 v.18
For the scripture says, You shall not muzzle the ox that treads out the grain. And, The laborer is worthy of his reward.
to comply with scripture you should charge the going hourly rate for the accomplished master craftsman which you are. These days Mike I would expect about £25 per hour to be considered a modest fee; some medicos charge 3 or 4 times that and they couldn't even tell the time by a gnomon after dark!
Romans 4 v4
Now to the one who works, his wages are not counted as a gift but as his due.
I agree with the esteemed Crowbard.
Thank you, gentlemen. You both give the both possible reference for your suggestions.
Normally I would ask twenty quid for the job I've just done; but we are having the house painted by a young, but thoroughly consciencious young painter, and he charges £100 a day for his labour, which made me wonder about my charges. I think I must double my rates.
I have just been offered £12 an hour for doing some recording work, which isn't really comparable to the skilled work you've done here, but just to give you an idea. I'll have to pay 30% tax on that, even then it still works out at about £65 for 8 hours work. And you have increased the value of the item to the owner, even if the object is not that valuable in monetary terms.
Thank you Ruth. As I say, I think I must double my rates. But now, if the customer kicks about it, I'll take along copies of the comments on this entry to show her as testimonials to my skill!
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