Saturday, 2 February 2013

Saturday .

Sorry about how dark this picture is. This morning our fellow bloggers (and friends) Steve and Liz, came and took us in their car to our favourite farm shop/ breakfast stop, where Steve bought us all breakfast. After the meal was served I got the waitress to take the above photo. She has grouped us perfectly, but I think the 'flash' must have failed to oblige. Pity; I think it might have been a good photo. If I were still using Picasa, I would have been able to lighten it up, but can't see a way of doing it using Gimp 2. Still,  I'm sure one of you will be able to advise on improving things.  It was a very pleasant outing - Thanks Steve (and Liz).


Crowbard said...

Hi Mike,
I've e-mailed a slightly brighter copy of your picture but it seems quite limited in pixel content so I haven't sent the enlarged version which looks very 'blocky'.

Unknown said...

Hi Carl. Thank you; your picture is very much better (brighter) than mine. The pixie content is, as you (diplomatically) say 'limited'. If I wish to publish pictures these day I have to cut the pixel content down dramatically before the machine will accept them.

Crowbard said...

If you'd like to e-mail me the original pic prior to pixie decapitation I'd be happy to brighten, embiggen and crop it to the pixie limit if you'd let me know what the limit is. I think Blogger used to allow up to 2 meager-pixels but perhaps they've gone more meager. Maybe they should employ trolls instead of pixies to draw their pictures with?

Rog said...

I couldn't resist having a go with the pic on my iPhone using a thing called Snapseed. I've popped it on Facebook.

Sir Bruin said...

We had a very fine (and educational, I learnt some Kipling) morning. It was good to see you both again.

Crowbard said...

Hi Sir Bruin,
I've always admired Kipling... at least since I learned that you don't have to be a Kipper to enjoy Kipling.

Unknown said...

Hi Crowbard. Do you enjoy Kipling? I think Rog knows the answer to this one.

Crowbard said...

I've kipled with the best of 'em Mike, and relished every word!