Thursday, 24 January 2013

P.s. to Wednesday.

P.s. Here is the photo of our fireside which inexplicably vanished from yesterday's blog entry. Gremlins or pixels or something in the works. My late father would have blamed the French. I asked him why once, and he said that whatever the problem was he ALWAYS blamed the French. He explained that that is what they are there for.


Rog said...

That's a grate picture Mike. And Votre Pere tres sound on the French.

Unknown said...

Thank you Rog. My father would have appreciated your approval of his views. He was a mild mannered, tolerant sort of chap, but generally speaking, he did rather bar foreigners. He told me once that, in his opinion, a wise providence had placed the Austrians on earth, so that, in the event of war, even the Italians would have someone they could thrash!

Unknown said...

P.s. Or maybe it was the other way around.

Unknown said...

P.P.s. Ann has just checked this and says that I must NOT mention my least favourite foreigners, as my views are actionable.

Crowbard said...

My Dear Bruv, your views may be actionable now but I recall a time when any other view of foreigners would have been treasonable!

Maggie said...

You are quite right dear Brother, he always blamed the french. The offer still stands Carl for us to take you and Jude to the 'do'!

Love Maggie x

Crowbard said...

Bless you Maggie darling, we just aren't up to it I'm afraid, many thanks for your kind thoughts and generous spirited offer.