Monday, 14 November 2011

Monday 1.

This is an experiment to see if Picasa has now returned to its duties. This is a photograph of sister-in-law Judy, who stayed with us last week. As Judy is a rather shy person and doesn't really like having her photograph taken (one has to sneak up on her and snap her before she is aware of your intentions) this is a rare portrait. 
Changing the subject, Neil's attentions to this $%&*"!! ungrateful machine seem to have failed. Neil is our computer engineer. There seem s to be a major fault on the Picasa publishing process. Even publishing photoes direct from 'my pictures' seems to be getting more difficult. Therefore please do not expect more blog entries from this source until conditions improve. I will continue to comment on my friends' blogs occasionally.   Goodbye pro tem. I've enjoyed it.
My warm regards to you all -- Mike.
Posted by Picasa


Rog said...

Pictures fine Mike - don't let a little bit of software glitch get you down! Picasa has got a bit too clever for its own boots with its face recognition and stuff - sometimes the simplest software is the best.

I always just place a picture on my desktop (PC desktop not wooden one) and then upload it individually to a blog post - takes seconds and Picasa need not be troubled at all.

Crowbard said...

Glad to have been of some small service Mike, sorry it was such a thoroughly harassing experience in double-blind guess-work for both of us. I have published the itemised procedures list on the new MikeAid blog and e-mailed it to you along with the blog URL.