Monday, 29 June 2009


This afternoon we went to a nearby farmshop. Partly to buy fruit and vegetables, and partly to walk round the farm. The photo shows Tuva and Freja feeding a friendly billy goat. A few minutes later he decided that one of the other goats, a nanny, was getting too much of the available attention, so he put his head down, his tail up, and charged the nanny goat, knocking her over. Poor Freja, although safely on the right side of the gate, was terrified, and rushed bleating to her mother, looking and sounding rather like a young kid herself. She soon recovered from her fright, but refused to go anywhere near the billygoat again. A lesson well learned. My grandfather used to tell us never to completely trust any complete male animal, and it's not a bad principal. This evening we played scrabble - I got completely thrashed. Ruth won by over a hundred points. We then had two games of hide and seek with the girls before their bedtime. Great fun, and the two girls were very good at it. Our bedtime now, so goodnight all.
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Crowbard said...

I hope nobody is still hiding awaiting discovery!... Have you done a head-count recently?

Unknown said...

You had me worried for a moment. But I've just checked and all are accounted for.