Sunday, 15 February 2009



Photograph of shop front with incredible carved beam in same town as last two day's illustrations. Not sure when it was built - XIVth/XVth century I should think.
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Nea said...

Love the carvings. Have you looked at this site:
Suffolk Churches
I've just had a quick look around St Mary's there, which brought back memories of watching my older sister playing an angel while I sat and sulked having been told I wasn't old enough to be an angel.

Lori Skoog said...

Mike and Ann...thank you for looking at my Journal and leaving comments. We really enjoy reading about Nea and her family... and your blog too!!!

The Preacherman said...

amazing carvings. How do you know they're XV or XIV century?

I'd love to be able to date things like that

Got beams in my house. Love em. Wifey reckons its like living in a Beefeater restaurant ;-)

Unknown said...

Hi Ruth. I'd forgotten the Angel business. Rotten casting anyway - with your colouring you looked much more angelic than Sarah.

Thank you Lori - I always enjoy your blog.

Hello Preacherman. I enjoy your blog, too. Dating carvings (actually, I've done a bit more research, and I'm told they're IVth century). Well, dating things is my job. I'm an antiquarian horologist (when I want to swank), but, if I'm honest, I'm a semi-retired, fairly specialised antique dealer. I judged by style, motifs,etc. etc. And having checked (which I should have done in the first place) I find they're a little earlier than I'd have thought. By the way - Beefeater Restaurants- haven't seen one in years. You could have anything you wanted in a Beefeater Restaurant provided it was steak and chips. Do you still have them in your area ?
Sorry, waffling on. Regards, Mike.

Unknown said...

Correction !!!!
Date in last comment -NOT IVth century as stated, but (OF COURSE)
XIVth century, i.e. 1300s.