Tuesday, 21 October 2008


Same corner of the garden as yesterday with the sun going down at about 5.30 pm. It amazes (and cheers) me to see how many flowers are still in flower in late October. I did a quick count and made it just over twenty different types. Especially as we've already had two or three mild frosts. Ann is visiting her mother today, so I've been getting on in the workshop. She's just 'phoned to say she is about to call on Mick and Erica, so I shan't expect her until about eight. She has eaten (took Gran out for a meal -which she loves) so I'll go and get meself a hot meal - a cut off yesterday's leg of mutton, a couple of spuds, and warmed up left-over vegetables - should keep the wolf from the door. Good night all.
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Nea said...

Are you sure that mutton will keep the wolf from the door?

Unknown said...

Hi Nea. Good point.Well spotted. Not carefully worded.
Your suitably chastised ole Pa.

Unknown said...

P.s. Still not being careful enough with words. Not chastised - rebuked. Love, Pa