Monday, 30 June 2008



Photo is of small, box hedge enclosed, square of garden designated 'the rose garden'. Considering we put them in less than a year ago, the roses are already giving us a decent show of flowers. Yesterday was a very busy Sunday. Morning service - self in choir, Ann serving. After lunch (about 3.30 pm) we walked round to friends who were having an 'at home' in their garden. Very nice it was, too. Their lawns run down to the river, and they'd set up tables and large garden parosols. Stayed for about an hour and had tea and cake. Everyone drifted in and out, and we chatted to friends going there, coming back and during. This really is a very sociable and civilised little town. In the evening we went across to Woodbridge, giving Hilary and Tricia a lift, to a service in St. John's being celebrated by a friend of ours, who has just taken up the post of curate there. Hadn't seen him for quite a while, and he seems to have become very high church in the meantime. Clouds of incense. As we were going out I muttered to Ann "Smells and Bells, what?". But she very fairly pointed out (in wifely fashion) that there hadn't actually been any bells. Afterwards a very decent do in the church hall. On the way there Hilary said in joking fashion that she must be home by 11 pm as there was a programme on TV she wanted to watch. We all laughed at the idea of not being home by 11, but in point of fact she only just made it. Thoroughly nice day though. Goodnight all.
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Lonely Paul said...
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Nea said...

You do seem to attract some strange people. Not IRL (In Real Life), just here. Poor Paul, with a picture like that he's going to remain alone I fear for some time. I've read his profile, he doesn't have a blog, and if I was you I'd consider removing his comment. He is slightly blue and he lowers the tone.

How did your history lesson go with B and W's 2 grandchildren?

Unknown said...

Ref history lesson, see comments, same day, last Friday, I think. They are very nice children. They seemed to thoroughly enjoy it, and Tom has been lecturing his grandparents about the different types of gun ever since.