Tuesday, 22 January 2008


Cycled over to Toppesfield Bridge this morning and took above photo. Had been told that river was in spate and lapping road due to recent heavy rainfall. This morning the slacker down river from the bridge had been opened and river was at its usual level. It had been two or three feet higher than this. I think I've finally cured the little Welsh clock I've been working on, the going train was no problem- just needed a good clean, but the strike train is very unusually made, and has needed coaxing. However, it's now been behaving itself for some days. Still, you know what the Welsh are like - just when you think they're finally happy they come up with another complaint (with apologies to any Taffs who may read this - and if Ann reads this before I publish it she'll insist on my deleting the last bit - oh well, I'd better type fast). No, I'll publish now, and possibly blog more later.
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Nea said...


Unknown said...

Llanguage !!!!!!!