Saturday, 1 September 2007


Today was the Deanery Fete day. Ann was helping in the kitchen so went off into town at around 9.30 am. Hilary and I were running the raffle stall so I went in at 11.30 am. the fete started at 12 Noon in the Deanery garden. The raffle stall was very busy indeed. We ran out of raffle books quite early but went on using a pad of a thousand cloakroom tickets. Someone then handed in a dozen or so unsold raffle books, but half an hour later we had sold all these so went back to using the cloakroom tickets. There were all the usual attractions except no coconut shies and no Punch and Judy show. The dog show was larger and better than ever. All the stalls seemed very busy, and Ann told me that the refreshment tent sold a hundred and seventy three ploughman's lunches. The raffle was drawn at 4p.m. and I eventually found that I had won a river trip for two along the Orwell to Harwich next summer. Look forward to it. We walked home a bit after 5p.m. both feeling thoroughly and pleasantly tired. A good busy day. I wish you all a good, quiet, night.


Crowbard said...

That's all very well, and just reward for your righteous efforts but how on earth are you going to get home from Harwich? You'll have to take your second best walking stick 'cause it would ruin your best one for sure.
Carl (still with a hint of Gladys Trower somewhere).

Unknown said...

Hi Crowbards, thank you for your concern regarding my welfare, but fret not- I forgot to mention that the prize was a RETURN river trip to Harwich for two. My problems started when I said to Ann that my only problem now was deciding who to take with me. That difficult decision has now been resolved I'm told. Love to you and young Jude, M. and A.

Crowbard said...

How kind of you Mike to think of me, and how sweet dear Ann is to forego such an opportunity on my behalf; or was it perhaps young Jude you thought of first?
Regretably in either case we are unable to accompany you at that time. Perhaps Ann would set aside her petit-point and oblige you with her cheery company, sweeping aside your clouds of gloom and resolving all your difficulties of choice.

Nea said...

So what did Hilary win?

Unknown said...

All the other prizes. No! I lie! Hilary doesn't believe in gambling !!! (?)

Nea said...

We thought you were going to take her on a trip down the Orwell, but seeing as she doesn't gamble you're excused.
Congratulations and enjoy the trip, both of you.