Thursday, 2 August 2007

Hoorrah for Craig, the computer tamer.

Further to my entry of July the 31st regarding a light heavyweight contest between my recalcitrant Hindi spouting computer, and local champion Craig the computer tamer, I am glad to report that it was a foregone conclusion, as Craig won by a knockout in the opening seconds of the first round. The computer was heard later whimpering quietly to itself; promising to stick solidly to a nice English script, and never again to show off by by breaking out into indecipherable Hindi script. A triumph for traditionalism, I think.

1 comment:

Crowbard said...

Was the computer whimpering quietly in Hindi, perhaps? They only pretend to be defeated by a KO then the moment the ref's back is turned they leap from the mat and bite off your ear - or worse.
Caveat sneakius 'pooterae.