Wednesday 30 January 2019


Must just record that we woke up this morning to the first snow of the winter. About half an inch deep overall (if that)  and it's mostly  all gone now. If there is such a thing as a 'Frost Hollow' we must live in the opposite of it - probably it's called a warm patch in meteorological circles.  I don't mind this a bit, though.  Now I'm rather past building snow men or indulging in snowball   fighting, I've rather realised that snow is overrated  stuff, and anyway it's arrival is completely unpredictable. I only really believe in it when it's actually here, and I'm in no hurry for that to  occur.

Been getting on, slowly but steadily in the workshop. Still working on the little lantern alarm clock, but got one or two other jobs in hand. Progress report in a day or two perhaps.

Warm Regards to ALL me readers.

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