Hi Everybody, just a quick note from KidBruv to let you know Mike has undergone successful plumbing maintenance but is likely to be in hospital for another five to seven days. Thank you for your prayers and good wishes, I expect he will be open for business again shortly.
Cheers for now,
Please give Mike our very best. Hope all is well.
Thank you kid bro.
Pleased it all went well.
As a relative strippling like yourself I'm sure we have adventures of this nature to follow.
Carol sends her hugs and stuff as well.
Make sure he chills for long enough!!!!
Hugs and stuff gratefully recieved Carol & 4Ds... similar felicitations to your good-selves.
I've had 10 or 11 years of such adventures (of a lesser nature of course, I couldn't match Mike for stiff upper lip maintenance in his state) and commend you to avoid such issues for as long as possible.
Your very best passed on to Mike Lori and most graciously recieved.
PS Just for clarity's sake this is Kid Bruv still publishing for Mike&Ann
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