Saturday 11 March 2017


Took  a few snapshots of  corners of   the  garden this morning. Much as in previous years.  I  hope that  our resident goldfinches are thinking  of breeding  again this year. They give every indication of being in the mood for raising another family. Most  years  they raise a brood of four or five youngsters.

Above photo shows  our quince tree climbing all over our older garden shed. We put the  tree in four years or so ago, and although it has loads of flowers and small fruit, so far the fruit have always been shed long before they are of a useable size.  We'd both like to make quince jelly later in the year, but we've been unable to do so as yet.

We have a good many flowers in bloom in the garden, looking very spring - like.

Scrabble club is now  to be  held in Hilary's house every Saturday afternoon. We both  went there this afternoon, but  played at different tables (three players at each table). I won the  first two games at our table, but Doris, who tells me she will be ninety- seven a little later this year, won the third game. All three were good, close, well fought games.


Crowbard said...

Hi Mike, I've e-mailed you the RHS bumf on quince growing along with my recommendation to thin the fruit down to a third of the crop as soon as the fruit has set to encourage the tree to hang on to the remaining fruit. If you can follow the RHS regimen this year then maybe next year only thin the crop by a half. See how it goes and extend or curtail your thinning strategy accordingly.

Pat said...

Well done Doris!