Friday 10 March 2017


This afternoon we motored over to Sudbury to do what Ann calls 'a big shop'. We came home a different way to our usual, and a  back road out of a small village (off the beaten track) awarded us with-  not another  village, but an even smaller hamlet. It had about a dozen small  cottages in it.

All  were of ancient date; most had been repaired, or restored at various dates, and all were quite charming.

It's what we most love about Suffolk (and remember that we are, by origin, Norfolk people) - that  if you can take a small back road out of a little  known village, you will  often find yourself in an  early settlement that you   had  no idea was there - and usually  with delightful discoveries to  be made.

Like, say, for instance, the above.


Pat said...

That's a nice way to go shopping.

Mike said...

I hadn't thought of it like that , Pat; but it's a nice thought and will reconcile me to shopping.