Wednesday 27 February 2019


It is  a fact that  when exploring  some of the  earlier buildings around our town centre, it is worth  seeing
if a back view of the building can be obtained.   This one  is  a prime example. The front of the building is quite superb. It is Tudor and blends very well into the rest of our High Street.  But the back view of  this building, can really only be seen from one point - and the exploration is well  worth  making, as you can see. The glimpse of the   clock on the Church Steeple is the  giveaway as to location. 
We wish you happy exploration. 


Crowbard said...

There is great satisfaction in exploring urban bye-ways and passage-ways, Mike. I remember finding Ghost Alley leading from the Crescent across behind Wisbech Castle, Scrimshire's passage and all the little inter-connected passages beside the Market Place way back in the 1950s.

Crowbard said...

Just came across this Mike, remember radio Luxemberg, Those Crazy Mountain Boys, Gabby Zeke & Ezra.

Z said...

There's a house not far from here that, from the outside, is a Georgian facade, yet curiously squashed - it's not high enough for its width. When you go inside, it's Tudor. The front is false, in accord with the fashion then, but they never did alter the inside. Your town has some marvellous buildings.

Mike said...

So does your area Zoe. Aren't we lucky. I think we could spend a lifetime exploring our areas, and still not spot all of them.